Our pupil leadership reinforces our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching, and aims to make a positive change, rooted in faith in God, in our communities…
Pupils regularly raise funds for refugees, the homeless and others in poverty. Our aim is to give pupils the confidence to be leaders. Pupils develop as responsible citizens, who have a keen sense of their unique value and of the positive contribution they can make, to both their local community and in other parts of the world. They strive to make the world better for others.
Our latest charity, as part of our Harvest appeal, was to collect food for Maundy Relief, a registered charity set up to respond immediately to the needs of the people in our community.
Pupil Parliament
What is a school parliament?
A school parliament is a formal group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views.
What are the aims of the school parliament?
Why Have a School Parliament?
There are lots of reasons...
Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. Our school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them. It is an important and useful way for our school to provide leadership and development opportunities for our pupils.
Our school council is an excellent way in which to increase participation, teaching our young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.
A new look play area in Church Kirk is already proving popular with local children, with youngsters enjoying lots of new equipment there, including an exciting aerial runway and a large side to side swinging rope. There’s also a climbing frame and an overhead rotator, along with swings, a basket swing and an interactive snakes and ladders game for family fun.
Pupils from the Sacred Heart Primary School in Church are already fans of the large swinging rope, which provides a centre piece within the play area and is the first of its kind in Hyndburn. It can be used by several children at once and swings back and forth like a pirate ship at a theme park. The 30m cableway is also proving to be popular with pupils from the school and other local children. Snakes and ladders have also been marked on the ground so families can have some interactive fun during their visit too.
Mrs Welch, Acting Head Teacher of Sacred Heart RC Primary School, said; “This new look play area is already proving a huge hit with our pupils, especially the large swinging rope and the aerial runway. It’s a great facility for the whole Church community.”
Councillor Paul Cox, Cabinet Member for Parks, said; “The play area in Church Kirk has been used by many children over the last twelve years, since it was last improved. When the new houses were built it was important to use some of the funding secured to invest in a new play area for local children, so it’s fantastic that this new facility is being enjoyed by so many families now.
The Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum, working closely with Hyndburn Council’s Parks Team, secured a grant from the Lancashire Environmental Fund for £30,000, with Hyndburn Council providing the remainder of the funding.
Cath Holmes, of the Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum, said; “It is nice to see a wonderful new play area at Church Kirk for the local community to enjoy. We are once again pleased to work with Hyndburn Borough Council to help improve the parks and open spaces in Hyndburn and thank you to the Lancashire Environmental Fund for their support locally.”