
We are delighted that you are interested in Sacred Heart R.C. Primary School. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make for them.  We are here to help you through this process. On this page you will find out how to apply for a place at Sacred Heart.

Visits are welcome to school so you can see our wonderful learning environment. Please call school or email to arrange a date and time.

Our Governing Board are the admissions authority for this Roman Catholic school. Lancashire County Council co-ordinate our admissions process, and applications for places should be made via the Local Authority. Please see the information and links below for further information on how and when to apply.

Applying for a Reception place for September 2025

If your child has their 4th birthday between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025 and you would like to apply for a school place at Sacred Heart RC Primary School, please complete the application form below.

Further information about admissions to Reception in September 2025 can be found on the Lancashire County Council website (link below).

Applying for a Secondary school place for September 2025

If your child is currently in Year 6 and is due to start Secondary school in September 2024, you must apply for a Secondary school place.

Further information about admissions to Secondary school in September 2024 can be found on the Lancashire County Council website (link below).

Closing date for applications for September 2025

Primary School - 15th January 2025

Secondary School  - 31st October 2024

Late applications may not be considered at the same time as those received by the set closing date.

How to apply:

Apply on Lancashire's online system if you live in Lancashire; non-Lancashire residents must contact their home Local Authority.  

A paper copy of the admission form can be downloaded below.

You must apply even if an older brother or sister is already attending your preferred school, or if you want to apply for a school in a neighbouring Local Authority.

Parents will be informed about their child's school places for September 2025 on:

• Secondary school places on 1st March 2025

• Primary school places on 17th April 2025



Lancashire County Council - Apply for a School Place

Lancashire County Council - Starting Primary School

Lancashire County Council - Starting Secondary School



Information regarding admissions in September 2025

school_admisisons_information_for_parents_booklet_2023_2024.pdf .pdf

To view the DfE guidance on applying for a school place, please click HERE.

Determined Admissions Policy and Arrangements

Determined_Admissions_policy_23_24.docx .docx
SH determined-admissions-policy-24-25.pdf .pdf
SH determined-admissions-policy-25-26.docx .docx


   In Year Admissions

At Sacred Heart, we deal with our own in year admissions. An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year admissions application form and returning it to: Sacred Heart RC Primary School and Nursery, Bradshaw Road, Church, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 4HG by post or by hand.

The application form can be found below:


SH_in_year_admission_form.pdf .pdf


Governing Bodies of Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Academies and Free Schools and the Local Authority will do everything possible to meet your wishes before an appeal becomes necessary.

If your child(ren) has not been successful in gaining admission to their preferred school, you will have the right of appeal against the decision. Your letter will indicate the school at which a place has been offered. It would be helpful if you visited the offered school if you have not already done so. However, if you are still dissatisfied, you have the right of appeal to an Independent Admissions Appeal Panel, whose members played no part in the original allocation of places. You will be informed how to appeal in writing. Appeal hearings will take place throughout the summer term. You can appeal for a place at any school or academy.

If a place has already been refused at appeal, the admissions authority will only consider a second appeal for a place at the same school or academy for the same academic year if they consider that there has been a relevant, significant and material change in the family's circumstances (since the original appeal hearing). If this is the case a second appeal hearing may be agreed. Individual Admissions Authorities will decide in relation to re-appeal requests.

Note: If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), arrangements are different for appealing against a place not being offered. You should contact your local Inclusion Service.


Appeals 2024-2025

Please see the timetable below for the organisation and hearing of admission appeals for Sacred Heart RC Primary School:

Friday 1 September 2023

Apply from this date at (Please remember to press the â€˜submit’ button every time you leave the online system)

e-form LINK - Appeal for a school place - Lancashire County Council

Sunday 15 January 2024

National closing date for primary applications (statutory).

During this period all applications are processed and all preferences are considered against the published admissions policy. Where there are more applications than places available, decisions are made as to which children should be offered the available places. We will liaise and exchange information with all other admission authorities including neighbouring local authorities. The allocation and offer of a primary school place is finalised.

Monday 15 April 2024

Offers issued to parents*

Friday 26 April 2024

Deadline for requesting:

·         an appeal

·         a place on the waiting list(s)

w/c 6 May 2024

Distribute appeal forms to parents

Friday 17 May 2024

Appeal deadline**

1st round of hearings.

By Friday 5 July 2024

Appeals submitted by the deadline heard by an independent appeal panel.


* If you are not happy with an initial offer, the appeals period starts from your receipt of the offer. Appeal information will be issued later as this allows some time for waiting lists to operate.

**Appeals which we receive after the deadline will be slotted into the schedule where possible. We cannot guarantee this however, and late appeals may have to be heard after the agreed date at a second round of hearings. The schedule is subject to change depending upon the availability of appeal panel members, clerks, venue, etc.


For information about how and when to appeal, please click HERE.


How to appeal against the refusal of a place at a Community or Voluntary Controlled School

e-form LINK - Appeal for a school place - Lancashire County Council

How to appeal against the refusal of a place at a Voluntary Aided School, Foundation School, Academy or Free School

e-form LINK - Appeal for a school place - Lancashire County Council

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan

The appeal process differs for these children. Please contact the Inclusion Service at the Area Education Office for information and assistance. The Information Advice & Support Team may be contacted on 0300 123 6706.

The Appeal Hearing

Hearings will take place during the summer term for appeals which are submitted by the required deadline date. You will receive approximately two weeks' notice of the date of your hearing. The case papers will be sent to you approximately one week in advance which will comprise both the LA/school case and your own papers.

Most appeal hearings are arranged by the School Appeals and Complaints Team. You are strongly advised to attend the hearing in person and to send in written documentation to support your case. You can take a friend or representative with you. An Independent Admission Appeal Panel will come to a decision after considering all of your circumstances, as well as the difficulties the school would experience in taking further pupils. For more information regarding an appeal you have submitted, please contact the appeals team: or call 01772 536776.

Waiting Lists

Even if you don't appeal, you can still ask for your child's name to remain on the waiting list. If a place becomes available and your child has greatest priority, you will be contacted with an offer for that place.


If you feel discrimination has occurred on the basis of a protected characteristic (as defined within the Equality Act 2010), please request further information and assistance from your Area Education Office.

Mid-Year Appeals

If you move into an area or seek to transfer your child, you also have the right of appeal if the school of your preference is over-subscribed. Please contact your Area Education Office for help and advice.

Appeals General

Parents are entitled to appeal for any school or academy which is already full in the required year groups, ie not just those which were their original