English lessons throughout key stage two are planned from a range of high quality texts, film clips, or current issues to engage children in their learning, covering a broad range of genre and text-types. In key stage one, teaching and learning in English is planned around the topic being covered in the foundation subjects. A strong emphasis is placed on ‘extended writing and real life scenarios’ – giving children a real-life purpose for their writing in order to engage and enthuse. The teaching of grammar, punctuation and spelling is embedded within English lessons and is also delivered discretely to support pupil progress in these basic skills.
English lessons throughout key stage two are planned from a range of high quality texts, film clips, or current issues to engage children in their learning, covering a broad range of genre and text-types. In key stage one, teaching and learning in English is planned around the topic being covered in the foundation subjects. A strong emphasis is placed on ‘extended writing and real life scenarios’ – giving children a real-life purpose for their writing in order to engage and enthuse. The teaching of grammar, punctuation and spelling is embedded within English lessons and is also delivered discretely to support pupil progress in these basic skills.
English lessons throughout key stage two are planned from a range of high quality texts, film clips, or current issues to engage children in their learning, covering a broad range of genre and text-types. In key stage one, teaching and learning in English is planned around the topic being covered in the foundation subjects. A strong emphasis is placed on ‘extended writing and real life scenarios’ – giving children a real-life purpose for their writing in order to engage and enthuse. The teaching of grammar, punctuation and spelling is embedded within English lessons and is also delivered discretely to support pupil progress in these basic skills.