Our Rewards and Achievements

We have now completed our whole school Attachment and Trauma Training, and we are delighted to share our ACEducation Accreditation Badge for Attachment and Trauma. This shows that our school has completed the training programme and is making steps to put this into practice with a whole school approach.

We are very proud of the progress we have made in understanding and addressing Attachment and Trauma.


We got Gold!

The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We are delighted to announce that Sacred Heart has achieved the School Games Mark Gold Award AGAIN for the 2022/2023 academic year!

The award which is based on our extensive PE curriculum, wide range of sporting options, school and club links, vast and worthwhile leadership opportunities, extra-curricular sport and having an array of sports teams that compete.

We are pleased that the hard work of everyone at Sacred Heart has been rewarded this year, but would also like to give a special THANK YOU to Mrs Berry for taking the lead on this achievement. We look forward to applying once again in 2024!


We got GOLD!

History Quality Mark

The Historical Association Quality Mark is an award that recognises the excellence of history provision in our school. The Quality Mark provides a framework for success in which to develop outstanding provision. Over the last academic year, we have worked through a quality assured framework to achieve the Quality Mark, going through a clear assessment procedure delivered by independent Historical Association appointed assessors. We are very proud to announce that following our assessment, Sacred Heart RC Primary School has been awarded SILVER!

We are pleased that the hard work of everyone at Sacred Heart has been rewarded this year, but would also like to give a special THANK YOU to Mrs Savage for taking the lead on this achievement.


We were very honoured to have received letters from Edwina Grant (OBE) and Jacqui Old (CBE), Executive Directors of Education and Children’s Services. The letters congratulate school on the outcomes of our Ofsted monitoring inspection and full Ofsted Inspection, commending the progress school has made. They extends their thanks to staff, governors, parents and pupils for all their hard work. A copy of the letters can be viewed by clicking the links below:

Letter from Edwina Grant (OBE), 04.01.22

Letter from Jacqui Old (CBE), 24.04.23