Our Curriculum Intent Statement



At Sacred Heart RC Primary and Nursery School, we aim to provide an exciting and engaging curriculum which will inspire children to nurture a passion for learning. We firmly believe the driving force behind the delivery of an interesting, imaginative curriculum is a clear focus on delivering excellent teaching and learning which ensures all children engage in a range of learning experiences which are challenging, real life and meaningful. This enriches the education experiences of all children in our school and teaches them the skills to ensure that they become lifelong learners.

At our school, we learn together that there are different ways to overcome barriers, showing perseverance in order to succeed. This is embedded across all curriculum areas. We recognise that there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities that are part of the learning journey to success. Children at Sacred Heart RC Primary and Nursery School embrace our school motto ‘Let the love of Christ show in all that we do”.

Sacred Heart RC Primary and Nursery School is committed to meeting the requirements of the National Primary Curriculum in a exciting and holistic way, where learning meets the needs of our pupils. Teachers and support staff have received training in all areas of the curriculum and professional development is an integral part of school life. We live in an ever-changing world and it is our aim to ensure that our pupils are ready to face these challenges and succeed in whatever they do. We take every opportunity to enrich the curriculum with outside providers, trips and visits, celebration days, whole school themed weeks and extra–curricular opportunities. This gives context to learning and also shows our pupils that education is relevant, fun and worthwhile.The Primary National Curriculum aims to:

  • Promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at our school and of society.
  • Prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
  • Provide our pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens.
  • Introduce our pupils to the best that has been thought and said, and helps them engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement 

In addition, At Sacred Heart RC Primary and Nursery School:

  • The pupils will learn how to manage their feelings and behaviours.
  • They will be taught how to have positive relationships and happy and well-balanced lives.
  • The love of Christ will be evident in all that we do and say. Underpinning our teaching is our faith in and love for Christ. We will consider what the Bible says and how Christ would react to people and situations.
  • We also develop children’s understanding of the British Values of Democracy, Individual Liberty, Respect and Tolerance and Rule of Law.

 We set the highest expectations for every pupil. For pupils who have special educational need or disabilities, lessons are planned to ensure that there are no barriers to pupil achievement and progress. This ensures that all pupils receive a level of challenge appropriate for them to thrive. The SEND Code of Practice includes advice on approaches to identification of need which can support us with this. A minority of our pupils will need access to specialist equipment and different approaches. The SEND Code of Practice outlines what needs to be done for them.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The EYFS curriculum covers Nursery and Reception and is split into seven areas of learning, three prime areas and four specific areas.


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Physical Development (PD)
  • Communication and Language (C & L)


  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

 The EYFS curriculum is underpinned by a play-based approach where children have access to all areas of learning within the classroom and in the outside learning area. We pride ourselves in our outdoor area and utilise the opportunities that this provides us on daily basis. Children will engage in self-chosen activities as well as carefully planned adult directed sessions, including phonics. The curriculum is based around four themes: the unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments and learning and development. Learning Units are planned in great detail to take account of children’s interests and skilfully link all the areas of learning. The children are continually observed and assessed by teachers and support staff so that they progress rapidly towards achieving the ‘Early Learning Goals’ by ensuring that 'next steps' are planned and taught to every child.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

All children are taught English skills (Reading and Writing including Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Mathematics skills daily.

In Key Stage 1, all children have a daily phonics session in order to teach this crucial element of reading in a systematic and consistent way. Some children in Key Stage 2 may also benefit from daily phonics sessions to support their development of reading skills. Reading and phonics are the keys to accessing the curriculum and being successful in many ways.

 The Mathematics curriculum aims for all pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics including the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Teaching the children to be mentally agile is central in our Maths teaching philosophy at Sacred Heart RC Primary and Nursery School. Key, progressive strategies are consistently taught across school to ensure that children are equipped adequately to thrive and make progress. Mastering these key strategies are the building blocks that enable the children to become truly agile mathematicians. Our pupils are taught to apply their skills to reasoning, solve problems and to apply their mathematical skills in a variety of real life contexts.

Through our Learning Units, we also teach the primary national curriculum programmes of study for Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, PE, Music, Computing and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education). In addition children are taught Religious Education and the school follows the  RE Syllabus ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’.

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development including British Values is an integral part of the curriculum and the ethos of the school. The fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs are promoted through our school curriculum, and our whole school ethos.

The Primary National Curriculum states that all Key Stage 2 pupils must learn a Modern Foreign Language, at our school, this is French.

Children are taught about the community in which they live and are encouraged to work in co-operation with other members of the school community. Supporting charities, both local and further afield, is encouraged. All children are expected to undertake appropriate responsibilities within the class and school, e.g. caring for the classroom environment, participating in class assemblies and participating in out of school activities.

Curriculum Implementation: Our Approach


Progression within a unit of learning; what it looks like at Sacred heart.