Year 5 have been writing stories based upon their research of the Rainforest- Thursday 3rd December 2020
The Reception Pupils have been writing sentences to describe the Gingerbread Man- Tuesday 25th November 2020
A Year 6 pupil's writing was inspired by 'Running Wild' - Monday 16th November 2020
A Year One pupil wrote some super sentences about the story! - Thursday 15th October 2020
'The mole helped a frog. The bat rescued cat. The cat rescued dog and rat. The rat rescued owl and a bird. Bird rescued a cow in fact the whole herd.'
A Year 6 pupil wrote a diary extract inspired by the text 'Running Wild'- Tuesday 1st December 2020
A Year 3 pupil wrote a diary extract as Mr Barleycorn from the story 'The Greenling' - Thursday 26th November 2020
A Year 2 pupil wrote a super recount using past tense verbs- Friday 13th November 2020
Year 6 have been writing their own stories inspired by 'The Nowhere Emporium' - Tuesday 12th October 2020
Year 2 have been writing about 'The way home for Wolf'.- Friday 18th September 2020
Year 5 have been writing non-chronological reports about animals in the Amazon Rain forest- Monday 30th November 2020
A Year 4 pupil wrote a story using fronted adverbials and noun phrases to describe- Friday 27th November 2020
A Year 1 pupil is learning to use capital letters and full stops whilst also using expressive language- Friday 6th November 2020
Greta in Year 2 has been retelling a story using a story map- Wednesday 7th October 2020